The Bachelor in Molecular Biotechnology is an interdisciplinary course that provides students with a broad scientific education, from the basics of biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics to subjects such as molecular and cell biology, pharmacology, biochemistry, bioinformatics and process engineering. In the third year of study, students specialize in one of the subjects bioinformatics, biophysical chemistry or drug research. New developments in biomedical research, such as findings from genome and proteome research, genetic engineering, bioinformatics, drug development, diagnostics and biomedicine are taught in teaching and research. In addition, students can take courses in key skills such as academic English, rhetoric, presentation and management techniques.
Which interactions of DNA, proteins and other substances determine the function of a cell and even of an entire cell group? Which molecular changes lead to diseases and how can these be influenced at the molecular level? What innovative approaches are there to curing widespread diseases such as cancer?
In addition to biochemical and cell-biological techniques, a good knowledge of the chemical and pharmacological basics, physical measurement methods and computer simulations is indispensable for dealing with these questions.
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