The three-year undergraduate degree course primarily serves the acquisition of a broad physical general education, which forms the basis for scientific work. In addition to the compulsory basic education in mathematics, another minor subject is studied in the "interdisciplinary studies", which can be selected from a wide range of subjects. Upon successful completion of the Bachelor's degree, the Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) Or the Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) Degree in Physics will be awarded. In addition to a first professional qualification, the two bachelor programs form the basis for further scientific training in various master's programs.
The course that leads to the Bachelor of Science in Physics qualification is designed first and foremost to provide a broad, scienceoriented general education in physics. The curriculum therefore covers a broad spectrum, starting with classical mechanics and electricity and leading on to modern subjects such as nuclear and particle physics, optics, condensed matter physics, nanophysics, and astrophysics. Like all Bachelor’s and Master’s degree courses it is subdivided into modules. The integration of experimental and theoretical physics right from the first semester in the Physics I (Particles and Particle Systems), Physics II (Thermodynamics and Electromagnetism), Physics III (Waves and Quanta) and the Atomic and Quantum Physics modules has been a long-standing feature of Münster’s degree courses in physics. These modules are jointly organised by the teaching staffs from both disciplines. Their purpose is to show from the outset that in physics, the combination of the experimental investigation of nature, the creation of physical models, and the theoretical description of the studied processes on the basis of these models forms a single unit.
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