
Primary Education

University of Erfurt

Undergraduate Winter Semester

The study of elementary school pedagogy, more precisely primary pedagogy (old: primary and elementary education), gives you insights into the pedagogical, sociological and psychological basics of childhood as a social phenomenon related to school and lessons.

It serves to develop a deeper understanding of the educational and upbringing processes of children of primary school age, taking into account the requirements of transitions from pre-primary to primary school and into the secondary school system.

With your studies, you acquire the basics for children's educational and developmental processes in two or three out of four primary school subjects: German, mathematics, general studies and school garden.

Advanced content due to social development:

  • Media education / digitization of school and society
  • German as a second language (DaZ) as compulsory course content
  • Primary school pedagogy (school entrance phase/beginning lessons, mix of years, work with parents, transitions)
  • Research-based learning as a basis for lifelong learning

The course is part of the primary school teacher training.

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