Psychology is a discipline that examines human experience, behavior and actions. The main branches of psychology are: General psychology, developmental psychology, personality psychology and social psychology.
General psychology uses empirical and experimental methods to investigate such aspects as perception, learning, memory, thought, language, emotions and motivation. Developmental psychology looks at how these aspects develop in individuals, from early childhood to old age. Personality psychology develops models to document and describe the differences between individuals. Social psychology analyzes the structure and dynamics of interactions between individuals and groups, together with the relationships between societal norms and values and individual behavior. The results are used to develop models and methods to explain, predict and effect changes in behavior patterns in various situations; these then subsequently undergo empirical evaluation. Objectives include the development of skills that enable the student to resolve problems, master conflict situations and improve relationships in the workplace, commercial and educational arenas, as well as provide treatment/rehabilitation of patients with psychiatric and somatic disorders. The psychology degree course provides students with the theoretical basis for working in the therapeutic sector, but does not include training in psychotherapy. The university offers a three-year continuing education course for those who wish to train as psychotherapists (focus: behavioral therapy/behavioral medicine).
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