

Leuphana University of Lüneburg

Undergraduate Winter Semester

How can people be encouraged to adopt sustainable consumer behaviors? How can people be motivated to change their health behaviors? How do people react to the progressive digitalisation? And how can good leadership be promoted in organisations? Studying psychology at Leuphana College means dealing with our society and its challenges, as well as looking at individuals and groups as actors in this society. Those who choose to study psychology at Leuphana College are fundamentally interested in exploring and understanding how humans think, feel, and act in various contexts of societal relevance. Its modern and future-oriented focus aimed at socially relevant issues gives the Psychology major a unique profile in Germany and internationally.

Psychology is a versatile scientific discipline that is omnipresent in our everyday lives and significantly contributes to a better understanding and prediction of human perception, decision-making, and behaviour. Psychological research helps to describe, explain, and predict how people think, feel, and act in an ever more changing world with vast economic developments, societal transitions, and environmental threats.

Thus, psychology must start to broaden its perspective from a narrow focus on intraindividual processes (e.g., focus on mental disorders or emotional disturbances of the individual) to a more comprehensive focus, integrating interpersonal, intragroup, and intergroup processes – which shape the transition to economic, ecological, and societal prosperity.

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