
Shipping & Logistics

University of Europe for Applied Sciences

Graduate Summer Semester Winter Semester 12332.00 EUR / Year

Logistics, especially the movement of goods by sea, links both business and industry which is becoming increasingly complex. In order to cope with the high demand and to serve constantly growing supply chain networks, innovative and future-oriented management concepts are required, as well as specialists and managers who have the ability to recognise and implement them. This future-oriented MBA programme is located in Hamburg. The City with the gateway to the world and the third largest port in Europe and thus one of the most important transshipment ports for global trade via sea route. During your studies, you will be prepared for becoming an international expert for supply chain management, logistics and global trades. 

MBAs at UE are characterised by seminar-style lectures. In these, the content is taught to students through a workshop style, with many practical exercises in groups. Application-oriented and forward-looking.

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