
Sound Engineering

Berlin University of the Arts

Undergraduate Winter Semester

The course in sound engineering brings together a wide range of musical and technical aspects. Students learn about music history, theory of musical form, instrumentation and score-reading and study set works and different musical styles. They attain a basic level of proficiency in the instrumental major and in piano as a compulsory subject and also receive aural training and instruction in music theory. On the technical side students are given a grounding in acoustics, mathematics, communications technology and electro- and digital technology in collaboration with the Berlin University of Technology.

The main courses in music transmission cover every form of sound production and also provide intensive training in technical and analytical listening. This involves students listening to and discussing their own recordings. Normally students choose to specialise in either classical or popular music. This does not, however, limit the subject matter in which they are examined nor does it make them professionally less versatile.

Eight sound studios, several digital editing systems and extensive portable equipment for outside recordings are available for students‘ use. Collaboration with many other courses of study guarantees a comprehensive and broad training.

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