
Studium Individuale

Leuphana University of Lüneburg

Undergraduate Winter Semester

Are you curious about the various challenges faced in the contemporary world? Are you looking for a way to combine your broad academic interests? Do you care about working intensively with others while shaping your own personal plan of studies? The Studium Individuale gives you the freedom and the responsibility to design your curriculum. It challenges you to engage with key questions and problems of the present. It helps you cultivate academic skills that are fundamental for living and working in today’s world. It gives you support in formulating your ideas and goals, and taking steps towards their realisation.

The Studium Individuale is a program of study in the Liberal Education tradition. Programs of this kind focus on the intellectual and personal development of each individual student. They emphasize breadth of knowledge while also encouraging students to develop a specific personal profile.

Students learn to cultivate important skills: analytical and reflexive thinking, clear and persuasive communication, as well as well-rounded judgement. Liberal Education programs foster intensive learning within a community of faculty and fellow students, both in and outside the classroom. A contemporary liberal education prepares students to be creative, purposeful and responsible agents in many walks of life.


We believe that the best way to foster curiosity, self-direction and independence of mind is to allow students to map out their personal course of study, with support from faculty and their fellow students. The aim of each individual course of study is to explore in-depth questions and problems that need to be addressed in an interdisciplinary way.


In addition to the self-designed course of study, each student takes part in the core curriculum of the Studium Individuale, its intellectual backbone: one challenging interdisciplinary course of high intensity in each semester, taught in English.

Here, students are engaging in central themes that are relevant for both understanding and taking action in the contemporary world, such as: What is valid knowledge? How can we identify a problem? What are possibilities for, limits to and consequences of action? How can we understand and evaluate historical change? What is modern freedom?


Learning in the Studium Individuale deliberately continues beyond the classroom in often student-led activities: talks with guest speakers, practical projects, weekend-workshops, excursions, or simply informal exchange. Students are also supported and encouraged to spend parts of their studies abroad, in order to gain additional valuable experiences for their education.

As a personal, engaging and challenging programme, the Studium Individuale offers you a rich and meaningful education while also providing you with a sound basis for a variety of Master programmes, careers and life projects.

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