
Survey Statistics

Trier University

Graduate Summer Semester Winter Semester

A survey might best be described as a method used to gather rather detailed information from a sample (i.e. a usually very small subset of a population of interest) of individuals, households, firms, etc. (see Scheuren, 2004, p. 9). Survey statistics is concerned with the planning, scientific monitoring, and statistical analysis of surveys and the data gathered. The master programme in Survey Statistics at Trier University focusses on modern applied methods of statistics. Due to the Economic and Social Statistics Department’s main research priorities, a special emphasis is put on computational survey statistics. Thereby, the programme mainly caters to the ever evolving demands in the fields of institutional and official statistics. Consequently, Trier University was the first German university to offer the EU certificate European Master in Official Statistics (EMOS). Furthermore, students can get insights into actual statistical research through the Research Institute for Official and Survey Statistics (RIFOSS) located at Trier University.

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