Are you interested in the interfaces between spatial and social decisions? Are you wondering how the protection of landscapes can be combined with the economic development of a country? Or are you looking for answers to social and environmental questions about the quality of life in cities in Europe and worldwide? Are you ready to get involved in other specialist worlds, e.g. technical, design and political? Do you want to work in an interdisciplinary manner and mediate between conflicting interests without losing sight of what is justifiable or even essential for the city, rural areas and society? Then come to Weimar.
We train specialists who, in a few years, will work in city administrations, state governments, independent planning offices or research institutions as experts in the spatial dimension of social development. The subjects of the Urban Studies course are primarily German and European cities and city regions. In addition, the inclusion of the diverse South and North American cities as well as the Chinese megacities broadens our professional horizons. The course of study is vocational, i.e. i.e., he meets the requirements of the German Federal Chamber of Architects in order to be entered in the list of urban planners after a subsequent two-year professional experience.
As core aspects of the B. Sc. degree program. Urban studies include the practical relevance of teaching and the scientific research orientation. The training covers the areas of activity of urban planners and the applicability of the knowledge learned. This special quality is favored by the intensive participation of professorships from the fields of architecture and urban development (involved professorships). We use the proximity to our faculty's renowned architectural training to provide future urbanists with a solid approach to assessing structural and spatial structures as well as a trained understanding of design issues. Another quality feature of the B. Sc. Urban studies is its scientific foundation. This means that from the first semester onwards, the course introduces research as an essential qualification. The scientific nature of the training is a prerequisite for a demanding future position, including in practical work.
Upon successfully completing their studies, Bachelor graduates receive a defined, internationally recognized title that qualifies them for practical work. The graduates are awarded the degree of "Bachelor of Science" (B. Sc.). Furthermore, the B. Sc. Urban Studies is the qualification for the consecutive master's degree program at our university. There is also the option of taking one of numerous postgraduate master's degree programs as well as other study programs with a research or practical orientation after completing your bachelor's degree.
Five aspects characterize the course of study
The training is project-oriented, with the social sciences, planning sciences and urban planning subjects receiving a strong emphasis in accordance with the profile. During their studies, students acquire all the necessary skills, basic technical knowledge and the corresponding methodological skills to survive in professional life. These skills also include interdisciplinary qualifications, such as those of a communicative nature and the orientation towards the common good and the principles of sustainable development, which are crucial for urban planning. In addition, the sense of responsibility and the sensitivity to appropriately integrate this orientation into the planning process are conveyed. The course of study is continuously adapted to the requirements of the professional field in Germany, the relevant trends in Europe and other regions of the world as well as in the international and supranational institutions that are most important for spatial planning.
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