Doctoral Researcher in Materials Research Posting

Doctoral Researcher in Materials Research Posting

GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Darmstadt

GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt operates one of the leading particle accelerators for science. Currently, the new FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) one of the world's largest research projects, will be built in international cooperation. GSI and FAIR offer the opportunity to work in this international environment with a team of employees committed to ensuring each day to conduct world-class science.

The Materials Research Department seeks an outstanding candidate for the position:

Doctoral Researcher (all genders) in Materials Research

Tasks and Responsibilities

  • development of tailored membranes and nanochannels
  • functionalization of membranes with conductive layers
  • characterization and functionalization of nanostructures
  • design of new setup for ion conductivity measurements
  • nanofluidic experiments
  • active participation in the project DFG-FOR Transieves
  • participation in swift heavy ion irradiation experiments
  • dissemination and publication of obtained results
  • co-supervision of undergraduate students.

Requirements and expectations

  • above-average university degree in Physics, Chemistry, Materials Science or related subject
  • good knowledge in electrochemistry, nanopores, porous systems, ion transport
  • experimental experience with polymer membranes and/or nanochannel research
  • good command of English (spoken and written)
  • excellent communication and team skills in an international environment.
  • ability to work independently within the team.

Knowledge is expected in some of the following areas:

  • materials science and nanotechnology
  • fabrication and characterization of nanostructures
  • electrochemical measurements
  • surface modification techniques

Requirements and expectations

  • a fixed-term 3-year PhD position in an international environment. The salary is based on the German civil service employees (Tarifvertrag für den öffentlichen Dienst - TVöD (Bund)).
  • GSI supports the professional development of women. Therefore, women are especially encouraged to apply for the position.
  • Severely handicapped persons will be preferentially considered when equally qualified.

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