English-speaking primary school teacher (m / f / d) – trilingual school

Englischsprachige Grundschullehrerin / Englischsprachigen Grundschullehrer (m/w/d) - trilinguale Schule

ASB Erasmus Frankfurter Stadtschule Grundschule gGmbH, Frankfurt am Main
49.139 € - 66.817 €

The Erasmus Frankfurt City School is a company of the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Landesverband Hessen e. V., which has existed since 2006. Over 350 children attend our all-day school, which is responsible for a four-class elementary school program. In addition, the trilingual (German - English - Spanish), all-day and reform pedagogical concept of the elementary school for the secondary level will be continued in the Erasmus Gymnasium. The Erasmus Frankfurt City School offers an innovative educational environment, a committed, international team of teachers and pedagogues, and varied and challenging tasks.

We are looking for:

an English-speaking primary school teacher /
an English-speaking primary school teacher (m / f / d)

Tasks and Responsibilities

  • First and second state examination or university degree in the educational field
  • Knowledge of English at a native level
  • good knowledge of German
  • Practical experience in educational reform teaching
  • pronounced willingness to cooperate and ability to work in a team
  • good interviewing skills
  • Humor

Requirements and expectations

  • Reform pedagogy lessons according to the core curriculum and ERASMUS concept in all grades of primary school
  • Substitute training
  • Planning and designing everyday school life
  • Planning and implementation of school trips
  • Working together in a team, with parents and partners outside of school
  • Implementation and further development of the Erasmus School concept

Requirements and expectations

We will help you successfully apply and come to study in Germany

Contact us to find out how we can help you get into the best university in Germany and secure a promising career.

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