Fund manager (m / f / d) for asset management multi asset

Fondsmanager (m/w/d) für den Bereich Asset Management Multi Asset

Helaba Invest Kapitalanlagegesellschaft mbH, Frankfurt am Main
80.476 € - 106.116 €

Helaba Invest Kapitalanlagegesellschaft mbH is a subsidiary of Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen (Helaba) based in the heart of Frankfurt. We are one of the largest German investment companies in institutional asset management. Our focus is on the asset management of securities, real estate and alternative asset classes as well as on our service as a master KVG. To support our team, we are looking for you as

as soon as possible

Fund manager (m / f / d)

for Asset Management Multi Asset

Tasks and Responsibilities

  • You independently manage multi-asset mandates for our institutional investors.
  • You will analyze relevant developments in the capital markets with regard to asset allocation and risk management and support you in the selection of investment ideas and investment modules.
  • You make your own investment decisions as part of our investment processes.
  • You consistently develop our investment concepts and processes further and design relevant solutions for our customers.
  • You look after and advise our institutional clients professionally and personally in day-to-day operations as well as holistically with regard to the risk-conscious design of capital investments.
  • You support our sales department in winning new mandates.

Requirements and expectations

  • You have several years of professional experience in portfolio management.
  • You have expertise in the analysis and evaluation of asset classes on a relative and absolute basis and are experienced in implementing investment decisions.
  • You have reliable knowledge of analysis to support and further develop asset allocation research and use your good IT and programming skills (Python and Matlab preferred).
  • You are experienced in addressing demanding customers and convince with your pronounced communication skills and a high degree of solution orientation.
  • You are characterized by your ability to work in a team and your high level of responsibility.
  • You have successfully completed your studies, further training to become a CFA chartholder is an advantage.
  • You are fluent in German and very good in English.

Requirements and expectations

  • a creative and dynamic working environment in the heart of Frankfurt am Main
  • an open and team-oriented corporate culture
  • Appropriate remuneration with a performance-based component

We will help you successfully apply and come to study in Germany

Contact us to find out how we can help you get into the best university in Germany and secure a promising career.

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