Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Hamburg
56.658 € - 76.912 €
For the Hamburg location we are looking for:
Science Manager (f / m / d)
Limited: 2 years | Start: as early as possible | ID: VMA066 / 2020 | Application deadline: May 24th, 2021 | Full time
The German electron synchrotron DESY with its 2,700 employees in Hamburg and Zeuthen is one of the world's leading research centers. Research focuses on deciphering the structure and function of matter, from the smallest particles in the universe to the building blocks of life. DESY thus contributes to solving the big questions and pressing challenges facing science, society and the economy. With its state-of-the-art research infrastructure, its interdisciplinary research platforms and its international network, DESY has a highly attractive working environment in the scientific, technical and administrative areas as well as for the training of highly qualified young people.
The DESY Projektträger (PT) works as a service provider in science management for the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). We jointly shape research policy in the areas of "Research into Universe and Matter" (ErUM) and "Mathematics for Innovations" and advise the Ministry comprehensively. We design and implement funding measures competently and efficiently. We represent German interests in the international research area. We develop strategies and communicate science in contemporary formats.
Look forward to a unique working environment on our international research campus. We attach great importance to respectful cooperation and the well-being of our DESY employees. You benefit from our family-friendly and collegial atmosphere, our established health management and our company pension scheme. As a public employer, we offer you a secure job and support your individual development with our extensive training and further education offers. The remuneration is based on TV-AVH.
Contact us to find out how we can help you get into the best university in Germany and secure a promising career.
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