Diakoniewerk Essen Dienstleistungs- und Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, Essen
95.044 € - 143.567 €
Under the motto "Shaping Living Together", Diakoniewerk Essen offers day care and currently 21 day care facilities, a total of more than 20 inpatient facilities with over 1,150 places in child and youth welfare, disabled assistance, homeless and vulnerable assistance and senior citizens and sick help ready. In addition to targeted employment and qualification projects for long-term unemployed people, numerous outpatient services also offer a wide range of advice and assistance for socially disadvantaged fellow citizens.
Diakoniewerk Essen e.V. and its subsidiaries currently employ around 1,600 people. This makes the Diakoniewerk Essen one of the largest Protestant employers in Essen.
We are looking for a
for our outpatient service "Help for independent living" in the Diakoniezentrum MitteSocial pedagogue / social worker (f / m / d) as division manager
Contact us to find out how we can help you get into the best university in Germany and secure a promising career.
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