State nurse (m/f/d) (university diploma / master) as technical advisor (m/f/d) for the implementation of planning law procedures

Landespflegerin / Landespfleger (m/w/d) (Uni-Diplom / Master) als Technische Referentin / Technischer Referent (m/w/d) für die Durchführung von Planrechtsverfahren

Eisenbahn-Bundesamt (EBA), Essen
57.200 – 82.700 EUR

The Federal Railway Authority is the supervisory and licensing authority responsible for the federal railways in Germany within the portfolio of the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV). The notified body Eisenbahn-Cert (EBC) and the German Centre for Rail Transport Research (DZSF) are affiliated to it.

The Federal Railway Authority is part of a 357,582 km² career network consisting of over 40 authorities with around 24,000 employees.

The Federal Railway Authority (EBA) is looking for a permanent position for Department 1 in the area of ​​planning approval as soon as possible.

Landscaper (m/f/d) (university diploma / master) as a technical advisor (m/f/d) for the implementation of planning law procedures

The place of work is Essen.

Tasks and Responsibilities

The responsibility of Department 1 includes carrying out plan approval and hearing procedures in accordance with the General Railway Act. The tasks of Department 1 include, among other things, the examination of applications and associated application documents relating to the construction or modification of railway operations facilities, the involvement of those affected, authorities and associations, as well as the preparation and evaluation of objections and statements, the holding of discussion meetings and the preparation of planning law decisions.

In carrying out your duties as a hearing and plan approval authority for the federal railways, you are particularly responsible for:

  • Carrying out hearing and plan approval procedures for operations facilities of the federal railways
  • Case-by-case examination of the need for an environmental impact assessment (EIA), carrying out scoping procedures and carrying out the EIA in the above-mentioned cases. Procedures
  • Processing of questions of nature conservation and land management in railway planning
  • Technical participation in procedures for the involvement or information of the EU Commission in accordance with Section 34 BNatSchG and in dissent procedures in accordance with Section 17 Para. 2 BNatSchG
  • Technical participation in administrative dispute proceedings
  • Representation of the office vis-à-vis project sponsors, authorities and third parties
  • Determination of the costs for official acts of subject area 1
  • Enforcement control

Requirements and expectations

You should definitely bring the following with you:

  • Completed studies (university diploma or master's) in the field of landscape management or a comparable subject, a comparable subject is e.g. B. Environmental engineering,

Environmental planning, environmental bioscience, landscape planning, landscape architecture, landscape ecology, biogeography or geography or

  • Career qualification for the higher technical or scientific service in the federal administration

This would be desirable:

  • Proven comprehensive knowledge and experience or other qualifications suitable for the position in the above-mentioned field
  • Comprehensive knowledge and proven experience in specialist planning
  • Knowledge and experience in nature conservation and environmental law
  • Administrative experience and knowledge of administrative law are an advantage
  • Experience in conducting administrative procedures with public participation or in dealing with and managing meetings (moderation skills, mediation skills) is an advantage
  • Willingness to gain in-depth knowledge of railway law and the hearing and planning approval procedures for operating facilities of the Federal Railways
  • Ability to act independently and autonomously as well as a high degree of decision-making ability
  • Ability to formulate complex issues and differentiated solutions in a structured and clear manner in writing and orally
  • Ability to organize and manage discussion meetings, some of which may last several days
  • Negotiation skills and the ability to cooperate with the ability to recognize conflicts and resolve them appropriately
  • Stress resistance and the ability to deal with hostility and criticism
  • Enjoyment of working in an interdisciplinary team
  • Creativity, sociability, communication skills, ability to improvise
  • Willingness to work with modern electronic communication and data processing systems
  • Willingness to full-day and multi-day business trips
  • Class B driving license
  • Rail suitability (analogous to G25 examination) is required (examination by employer)

Eligible to apply if they meet the above requirements are civil servants in the higher technical or scientific service of pay grades A 13h and A 14 as well as collective bargaining employees and people who are seeking a collective bargaining employment relationship.

All civil servants who have completed a degree (university diploma / master's) in the above-mentioned fields of study (§ 24 BLV) are also eligible to apply.

Requirements and expectations

The position is rated according to A13h / A 14 BBesO or E 14 TVöD.

The classification of collective bargaining employees takes into account the personal requirements and subject to confirmation of the collective bargaining assessment by the BAV in Aurich, at most in the pay group E14 of the collective agreement for the public service (TVöD).

In addition, you can expect:

  • a permanent job in modern administration,
  • uniform payment according to BBesO or TVöD of the federal government,
  • an interesting and varied job,
  • the possibility of becoming a civil servant if the civil service requirements are met,
  • further training and continuing education opportunities and
  • flexible working hours (flexitime) and mobile Work.

Special information:

The Federal Railway Authority promotes the compatibility of family, care and work. The position is generally suitable for part-time staff.

The Federal Railway Authority offers the possibility of mobile working if the applicable requirements are met.

Applications from women are expressly welcome. If qualifications are equal, women will be given priority in accordance with Section 8 of the Federal Employment Act.

Severely disabled people will be given priority if they have the same professional qualifications. Only a minimum level of physical fitness is required.

We welcome applications from people of all nationalities. The German language must be fluent.

The selection is made by a committee.

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