Universität Innsbruck Philosophisch-Historische Fakultät
Original Title:
Universitätsprofessorin / Universitätsprofessor für Kunstwissenschaft mit Schwerpunkt Neueste Kunstgeschichte
76.000 -100.000 EUR
University professor for art studies with a focus on modern art history
At the Institute for Art History of the Philosophical-Historical Faculty of the Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck, the position is one
University professor
for art history with a focus on recent art history
to be filled in accordance with § 98 UG. The employment relationship under private law based on the Salaried Employees Act is entered into with the university for an unlimited period. The degree of employment is 100%.
The position holder should represent the subject of art history with a focus on modern art history in its entire breadth in research and teaching. The research focus should be in one or more subject areas in the time frame from the 19th to the 21st century. In particular, thematic areas of the global theory of modernity and the contemporary-theoretical art discourse are expected. The research activity should also be reflected in international conferences, publications and third-party funded research projects.
In teaching, the entire breadth of the subject in the field of modern art history and art theory must be covered in accordance with the curricular requirements. Projects with practical relevance are also to be carried out.
We are looking for a researcher who is able and willing to work in an interdisciplinary manner and provide new impetus. Therefore, a close cooperation with relevant institutes of the LFUI as well as an intensive participation in the research focus Cultural Encounters – Cultural Conflicts is expected. In addition, cooperation with international and regional cultural institutions, museums and exhibition centers should be developed or maintained.
This position includes the scientific and organizational management of the institute's own art collection and the Artothek des Bundes Tirol located at the institute (continuation of the projects).
Participation in academic self-administration is expected.
Employment requirements:
a) a completed domestic or equivalent foreign university education corresponding to the job;
b) Relevant teaching license (Habilitation) or equivalent achievement;
c) Subject-specific monographs and publications in internationally recognized publications and specialist journals;
d) Evidence of involvement in international research;
e) experience in raising third-party funds;
f) Proven didactic skills based on university teaching experience;
g) leadership skills (social, problem-solving and organizational skills).
strives to increase the proportion of women and therefore invites qualified women to apply. Women will be given priority if they have the same qualifications.
For this position, a classification in job group A1 of the collective agreement for university employees and a minimum salary of 5,437.70/month (14 times) is provided. A higher salary depending on qualification and experience and the equipment of the professorship are the subject of appointment negotiations. In addition, the university offers numerous attractive additional services (
Salary Expectation:
Salary level for the job "University professor for art studies with a focus on modern art history" is expected:76.000 -100.000 EUR per year
Original Offer: