Программа обучения Cultural Studies: Culture and Organization

Программа обучения "Cultural Studies: Culture and Organization" в Leuphana University of Lüneburg

Cultural Studies: Culture and Organization

How are art and culture organized? Why and how are art, creativity and diversity important to ideas and practices of organization and entrepreneurship? How are urban creative spaces and industries designed and atmospherically experienced? And how do digital media change the way we work and interact?

This cut­ting-edge Masters pro­gram­me is de­di­ca­ted to the re­la­ti­onship bet­ween cul­tu­re, the arts and or­ga­niza­t­i­on. Uniquely, it is both theory-driven and practice-based, combining dialogical teaching with fieldwork-based learning.

The pro­gram­me in­tro­du­ces cul­tu­ral and so­cio­lo­gi­cal theo­ries as cri­ti­cal len­ses for stu­dy­ing con­tem­pora­ry or­ga­niza­t­i­on and or­ga­ni­zing. On this ba­sis, stu­dents learn to en­ga­ge empirically and analytically with or­ga­niza­t­io­nal and en­tre­pre­neu­ri­al prac­tices in dif­fe­rent sec­tors, sys­tems, fiel­ds and in­dus­tries of arts and cul­tu­re.

Общая Информация по Программе обучения "Cultural Studies: Culture and Organization"

  • Уровень: Магистратура
  • Диплом: Master of Arts (M.A.)
  • Язык обучения: Английский
  • Начало обучения: Зимний семестр
  • Срок обучения: 4 семестров
  • Форма обучения: Полная
  • Учебные кредиты: 120 ECTS
  • Стоимость: € 0 / Семестр
  • Семестровый взнос: € 352.89 / семестр
  • Правила приема: На основе конкурса
  • Количество мест: 25
  • Минимальный уровень английского: B2

Карьерные перспективы по завершению программы обучения "Cultural Studies: Culture and Organization"

The Masters pro­gram­me gives stu­dents an un­der­stan­ding of the way in which or­ga­niza­t­i­on fun­da­men­tal­ly con­di­ti­ons cul­tu­re and so­cie­ty, and it teaches me­tho­do­lo­gi­cal and analytical skills for re­se­arch into the discourses, practices and technologies of organization. The programme provides practice-based knowledge of, and competencies for, organizing culture, and teaches stu­dents trans­fe­ra­ble skills in com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and teamwork. All of the­se ca­pa­bi­li­ties and skills are in high de­mand in a wide range of oc­cupa­ti­ons.

The pro­gram­me is sui­ta­ble both for stu­dents seeking to pur­sue an aca­de­mic ca­re­er and for tho­se who would like to take on responsible roles in the cul­tu­ral and crea­ti­ve in­dus­try, in the arts, in the me­dia, in the pu­blic sec­tor, in ur­ban de­ve­lop­ment or in foundations and charitable organizations.

Qua­li­fied stu­dents with a par­ti­cu­lar­ in­te­rest in re­se­arch have the option of si­mul­ta­neous­ly re­gis­tering for the Doc­to­ral Track. Com­bi­ning the Mas­ters and doc­to­ral pha­ses of­fers stu­dents a unique op­por­tu­ni­ty to join the scho­lar­ly com­mu­ni­ty at very ear­ly sta­ge.

Международный обмен по программе обучения "Cultural Studies: Culture and Organization"

You can integrate a stay abroad into your studies in the 3rd or 4th semester, either as part of the Erasmus programme + or with one of our non-European partners. There are around 30 faculty-related exchange programmes to choose from. You can find more information on the partner universities on the pages of the International Office.

In addition, there are programme-specific international cooperations such as the European Haniel Program on Entrepreneurship and the Humanities (bringing together students and faculty from Bristol, Copenhagen, Lüneburg, Paris, St.Gallen and Venice), and an annual joint seminar with the Universiy of St. Gallen’s programme in Management, Organization Studies and Cultural Theory (MOK). Further specific international cooperations are in preparation.

Учебный план программы обучения "Cultural Studies: Culture and Organization"

The cour­ses in­tro­du­ce stu­dents to cul­tu­ral so­cio­lo­gy, the so­cio­lo­gy of arts and cul­tu­re, the stu­dy of di­gi­tal cul­tu­res and new forms of or­ga­ni­zing and of ma­nage­ment and cul­tu­ral en­tre­pre­neurship. Steeped in the tradition of sociology and cultural studies, the programme takes a pronounced in­ter­na­tio­nal approach and en­ga­ges with up-to-date re­se­arch and methods. The programme is fully taught in Eng­lish; in addition, further elec­tives are of­fe­red in Ger­man.

The Masters pro­gram­me ap­proa­ches cul­tu­re in two ways – as an em­pi­ri­cal set­ting and as a cri­ti­cal and con­cep­tu­al lens. Stu­dents learn to stu­dy and un­der­stand dif­fe­rent in­sti­tu­ti­ons and or­ga­ni­za­ti­ons in cul­tu­ral and ar­tis­tic sec­tors (from ur­ban mo­ve­ments to the crea­ti­ve in­dus­tries and net­work cul­tu­re). Importantly, they learn to in­ves­ti­ga­te dif­fe­rent or­ga­niza­t­io­nal mo­des, en­tre­pre­neu­ri­al and so­ci­al prac­tices and tech­no­lo­gies and dis­cour­ses that shape the­se in­sti­tu­ti­ons and or­ga­niza­t­i­ons through fieldwork-based and artistically inspired approaches. Em­ploy­ing a broad un­der­stan­ding of cul­tu­re as a lens, the Masters also mobilizes cul­tu­ral and so­ci­al theo­ries in or­der to cri­ti­cal­ly re­flect on how or­ga­niza­t­io­nal prac­tices and dis­cour­ses are shaped by cul­tu­ral and tech­no­lo­gi­cal trans­for­ma­ti­ons.

This com­pre­hen­si­ve ap­proach to cul­tu­re and or­ga­niza­t­i­on is ba­sed on long­stan­ding re­se­arch tra­di­ti­ons and cur­rent re­se­arch pro­jects at Leu­pha­na Uni­ver­si­ty. The pro­gram­me is run by the Fa­cul­ty of Hu­ma­nities and So­ci­al Sci­en­ces in cooperation with the Fa­cul­ty of Management and Technology, and with local and international partners in the cultural and university sectors.

There are four components to the Cul­tu­re & Or­ga­niza­t­i­on pro­gram­me. In the core area of stu­dy, stu­dents explore key to­pics in the field of or­ga­niza­t­i­ons and or­ga­ni­zing cul­tu­re and the arts, cul­tu­ral en­tre­pre­neurship, di­gi­tal me­dia and cul­tu­ral so­cio­lo­gy.


There are also three com­ple­men­ta­ry com­po­n­ents: elec­ti­ves, in­te­gra­ti­on modules and Com­ple­men­ta­ry Stu­dies. The elec­tives al­low stu­dents to both fo­cus and broa­den their stu­dy of cul­tu­re and or­ga­niza­t­i­on, e.g. with mo­du­les on or­ga­niza­t­i­on theo­ry, di­gi­tal cul­tu­res, cri­ti­cal stu­dies, queer studies, art theory, en­tre­pre­neurship or busi­ness stu­dies. The in­te­gra­ti­on modules for cul­tu­ral stu­dies bring to­ge­ther stu­dents from all Masters pro­gram­mes at the Fa­cul­ty of Hu­ma­nities and So­ci­al Sci­en­ces and familiarise them with the his­to­ry and me­thods of and cur­rent de­ba­tes in cul­tu­ral theory. Com­ple­men­ta­ry Stu­dies enables stu­dents to take clas­ses bey­ond their im­me­dia­te field of stu­dy in or­der to broa­den their un­der­stan­ding of key con­tem­pora­ry chal­len­ges for cul­tu­re and so­cie­ty. Together, these four components prepare students for wri­ting their re­se­arch-ba­sed Masters dis­ser­ta­ti­on.

Master Thesis/Masters Forum

Du­ring the fourth se­mes­ter of their Masters pro­gram­me, stu­dents em­bark on their dis­ser­ta­ti­on. Dis­ser­ta­ti­ons link ad­van­ced theo­ries to an in-depth en­ga­ge­ment with core em­pi­ri­cal pheno­me­na of cul­tu­re and or­ga­niza­t­i­on. A de­di­ca­ted Masters Fo­rum brings all stu­dents to­ge­ther with teaching staff and is a space in which stu­dents can pre­sent their work in pro­gress, learn about me­thods, and re­cei­ve peer-to-peer feed­back. As a collec­tive pro­cess or­ga­ni­zed around dissertation-wri­ting, stu­dents will sha­re their ex­pe­ri­en­ces and re­cei­ve re­gu­lar sup­port from peers and teaching staff: the dissertation is not simply an individual challenge.

  • Учебный план / модули: https://www.leuphana.de/en/graduate-school/masters-programmes/cultural-studies-culture-and-organization/course-content.html
  • Факультет

    Fa­cul­ty of Hu­ma­nities and So­ci­al Sci­en­ces
    Leuphana University of Lüneburg

    The Fa­cul­ty of Hu­ma­nities and So­ci­al Sci­en­ces is com­po­sed of se­ven most­ly in­ter­di­sci­pli­na­ry in­sti­tu­tes com­pri­sing di­sci­pli­nes like phi­lo­so­py, his­to­ry, li­te­ra­tu­re, me­dia sci­ence and mu­si­co­lo­gy, art his­to­ry, buil­ding cul­tu­re, cul­tu­ral geo­gra­phy, so­cio­lo­gy, in­for­ma­ti­on sys­tems, com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on sci­en­ces, and po­li­ti­cal sci­ence. The Fa­cul­ty also ac­comm­mo­da­tes the Cul­tu­ral Re­se­arch in­itia­ti­ve, which is one of the four re­se­arch fo­cus are­as of Leu­pha­na Uni­ver­si­ty. At pre­sent, Fa­cul­ty mem­bers and about 25 pro­fes­sors are teaching at Leu­pha­na Col­le­ge and Gra­dua­te School in the stu­dy pro­grams in cul­tu­ral sci­en­ces and po­li­ti­cal sci­ence.

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    Cultural Studies: Culture and Organization