Программа обучения Home Economics and Nutritional Sciences

Программа обучения "Home Economics and Nutritional Sciences" в Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences


Home Economics and Nutritional Sciences is an interdisciplinary degree program combining various fields in a comprehensive scientific context. The word 'ecotrophology' is formed from the ancient Greek words oikos (home and household), trophos (nutrition), and logos (theory).At the site in Haste, students have the opportunity to gain insight both into various production stages along the food chain (from primary production to the end consumer) and into consumer behavior. In the Ecotrophology degree program, this leads to a special focus on information, consulting, and education.

Общая Информация по Программе обучения "Home Economics and Nutritional Sciences"

  • Уровень: Бакалавриат
  • Диплом: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
  • Язык обучения: Немецкий
  • Начало обучения: Зимний семестр
  • Срок обучения: 6 семестров
  • Форма обучения: Полная
  • Учебные кредиты: 180 ECTS
  • Стоимость: € 0 / Семестр
  • Семестровый взнос: € 359.82 / семестр
  • Правила приема: На основе конкурса
  • Количество мест: 67
  • Подходящий курс Штудиенколлег: M-Kurs

Описание программы обучения "Home Economics and Nutritional Sciences"

Ecotrophology comes from ancient Greek and is made up of oikos (households and households), trophos (nutrition) and logos (Teaching) together. During their studies, ecotrophology students learn to apply the knowledge they have acquired in the natural, social and economic sciences in a target group-oriented manner in accordance with the respective operational or advisory method requirements. At the same time, they acquire an interface competence of household and nutritional science that is increasingly required in many specialist disciplines.

Knowing the various causal factors of work and counseling problems, which can result from the person himself and / or from their relationship with other people, the students will later be able to develop problem solutions and make decisions to facilitate.

The following goals are particularly important for studying ecotrophology at the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences:

Students can

  • Edit and manage target-oriented projects. The practical projects with interdisciplinary topics that are part of the course are an essential prerequisite for this.
  • Take on management and leadership tasks and motivate and deploy specialists in a targeted manner. The necessary key qualifications are taught and tested in projects and working groups.
  • Comprehensive analysis of information and counseling problems in the ecotrophological context and methodically and technically well-founded approaches to those seeking advice, and evaluation of counseling and information transfer processes. In addition, intensive interdisciplinary technical and methodological knowledge is imparted.
  • Qualify target-group-oriented adults methodologically and didactically with ecotrophological training and further education offers. Knowledge of systematic planning, implementation and review through evaluation is imparted.

The wide-ranging specialist knowledge, paired with methodical-didactic competence, is a guarantee for success on the job market, especially for ecotrophologists.

Карьерные перспективы по завершению программы обучения "Home Economics and Nutritional Sciences"

The professional and occupational fields of ecotrophologists at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences are as diverse as the entire course. The previous graduates are employed in the following fields:

  • Training and further education
  • Advice on domestic services such as vacation on the farm, direct marketing, regional development and more.
  • Budget and debt advice
  • Energy and environmental advice
  • Nutritional information and advice
  • Health counseling
  • Food retail
  • Management of domestic services
  • Marketing and sales
  • Public Relations and Journalism
  • Product Development
  • Product information and advice
  • Quality and environmental management
  • Tourism
  • Consumer information and advice
  • Association work
  • Wohnberatung

Международный обмен по программе обучения "Home Economics and Nutritional Sciences"

Semesters abroad for German students are not mandatory, but are explicitly supported. A stay abroad is an exciting experience and a special personal enrichment. As a student, you have many options for integrating phases of your studies abroad. That can e.g. be an internship abroad, a semester abroad or a short-term stay abroad, e.g. to prepare a thesis or to attend a summer school or language course.

Стажировки и практика в программе обучения "Home Economics and Nutritional Sciences"

Already the pre-study internship or a specific vocational training convey initial practical experience for the basic course. They familiarize you with practical work processes, relevant technical work techniques and questions regarding practical company organization.

The practical internship project in the final semester, in which the students develop specific questions from later professional practice in cooperation with external institutions, companies or authorities, aims to further professional orientation of the students. In addition, knowledge about ecotrophological employment fields is conveyed and contacts are made with potential employers.

Two projects are integrated in the course, which make it possible to experience problems from the practice of ecotrophologists and expand the theoretical knowledge.

Such practical project work can look like this:

  • Educational offers for various target groups on sustainable food production (especially in connection with the "WABE Center")
  • Analysis of the nutritional situation in kindergartens, educational institutions or retirement homes
  • Catering concepts in communal catering
  • Preparation of hygiene management in the food sector
  • Information campaign for sustainability in the office, in direct marketing or on everyday consumption
  • Touring everyday home aids for physically impaired people or children's food
  • Marketing concepts for regional products and services
  • Development of print media for nutrition and housekeeping

The practical parts in the course serve to acquire and deepen further method, action and social skills and to apply them to ecotrophological practical fields.

In addition, students can work practically and practically in the tutorial "teaching kitchen" or in exercises within the framework of modules (e.g. work theory).

Учебный план программы обучения "Home Economics and Nutritional Sciences"

The study of ecotrophology is divided into the bachelor's degree after six semesters and, if necessary, the master's degree after another four semesters. The Bachelor's degree consists of five semesters and a final semester with an integrated practical project, which is completed with the Bachelor's thesis. With the course, the academic degree Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) is achieved.

Successful completion of the bachelor's degree is a prerequisite for starting a master's degree.

In the course, meaningful learning units or modules are linked together. The study, learning and workload of the students was defined for each learning unit, with which the desired learning outcome can be achieved.

Your main focus - suitable modules for this

With the Bachelor's degree, graduates often work in the areas of information, advice, education or management. Tasks include personal and media-based information and advice, customer information / public relations, moderation of citizen participation processes, support for projects in the field of tourism, household-related services, quality management as well as school and extra-curricular education. The students acquire the qualifications for the desired professional field by putting together the appropriate modules. 
  • Advice and education
  • Housekeeping services
  • Food industry
  • Management
  • Учебный план / модули: https://www.hs-osnabrueck.de/fileadmin/HSOS/Studium/Studienangebot/Studiengaenge/Bachelorstudiengaenge/AuL/Oekotrophologie/pdf/WS19_20_Modulstrukstur_BOE.pdf
  • Факультет

    Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Landscape Architecture
    Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences

    The Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Landscape Architecture (AuL) is one to the major faculties of the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences. With the opening of the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences of Horticulture (HGO) in 1949, the Osnabrück-Haste campus was founded. Since then it has developed into today's faculty with more than 2,700 students in 11 Bachelor's and 6 Master's degree program.

    The Haste campus in the northern part of Osnabrück is the "green" campus of the university. The buildings are surrounded by a park. The campus includes numerous laboratories, experimental fields, greenhouses, the WABE Center, the Waldhof's pilot plant and the Teaching and Research Center for Food Studies.

    Методика оценки заявок

    WS 2019/20 last place of study awarded with a grade point average of: 3.0

    Записаться на поступление на программу обучения

    Home Economics and Nutritional Sciences