Программа обучения Intermedia Design

Программа обучения "Intermedia Design" в Trier University of Applied Sciences

Intermedia Design

Intermedia Design (ID) is a course of study for everyone who is interested in the creative possibilities of new, digital media - for web and mobile applications, for the potential of digital games, for the coupling of virtual and real spaces, for new types of people Computer interfaces, for different game formats and their areas of application, for video and 3D design. If you would like to deal with design and technologies in order to help shape the digital future, then apply!

Общая Информация по Программе обучения "Intermedia Design"

  • Уровень: Бакалавриат
  • Диплом: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.);
  • Язык обучения: Немецкий
  • Начало обучения: Зимний семестр
    Летний семестр
  • Срок обучения: 6 семестров
  • Форма обучения: Полная
  • Учебные кредиты: 180 ECTS
  • Стоимость: € 0 / Семестр
  • Семестровый взнос: € 268.75 / семестр
  • Правила приема: На основе конкурса

Описание программы обучения "Intermedia Design"

Creative, interdisciplinary environment

The design campus is located on the banks of the Moselle near the city center. Almost 1,000 students live and work here in the fields of intermedia design, communication design, fashion design, interior design and architecture.

In your job you will later work in mixed teams. You will also learn this through joint projects with students from other design subjects, but also from computer science (digital media and games).

Integrated into the course is the annual 'Interdisciplinary Project Week', in which all subjects in the Design Department work together to realize overarching projects. Then the design campus is transformed into a seething creative pool in which students and lecturers from all disciplines work together on an interdisciplinary basis.

Modern equipment

To enable you to put your ideas into practice, a wide range of modern equipment is available that can be used directly in the media laboratories and can also be borrowed. You can let off steam creatively in 7 laboratories in a wide variety of areas!

Карьерные перспективы по завершению программы обучения "Intermedia Design"

As an intermedia designer, you will develop contemporary, creative solutions in interactive digital media. You will learn to use their latest possibilities in an innovative way in design, technology and conception.

With these highly sought-after skills, you will work in promising professional fields as a game designer, web designer, motion designer, interface / interaction designer, user experience designer, conceptual designer and a few more.

Here you design websites, apps and other interactive media systems, design and develop games, tell and stage stories in videos and animations or invent completely new types of media-supported products and services.

Стажировки и практика в программе обучения "Intermedia Design"

In order to train you to become the creative personality of tomorrow, the lessons take place in small groups. This offers a lot of time for intensive and individually tailored support from the lecturers.

After the orientation phase, the applied, project-based work forms the focus of your studies. Each semester you implement 4-5 large and small projects, so that you can show an impressive portfolio at the end of the bachelor's degree.

In order to experience what your skills are worth, different collaborations with partners from business, society and culture are offered every semester.

Учебный план программы обучения "Intermedia Design"

The Intermedia Design course offers a wide range of courses that focus on a number of central teaching areas:

  • Games & 3D Art
  • Hypermedia: Interactive & networked systems
  • Media rooms & media scenographies
  • Narrative formats: audio, video and multimedia storytelling
  • Theory & Practice of the Intermediate

The course is divided into three sections:

Basics (1st & 2nd semester): In the first two semesters, you develop the basics of design in various fields. This introductory and orientation phase serves to build up a basic knowledge on which the further course of studies builds.

In-depth study (3rd to 5th semester): In the second part of the course, a large selection of different courses is offered. So it is possible to pursue your own interests.

The practical semester can be inserted in the 4th, 5th or 6th semester if you wish.

Focus (6th or 7th semester): In the last semester, the thesis focuses on the degree.

  • Учебный план / модули: https://www.hochschule-trier.de/fileadmin/Campus_Gestaltung/Fachrichtung_Intermedia_Design/Downloads/Stvp_iD6_5mrz21.pdf
  • Процедура поступления на программу обучения "Intermedia Design"

    Intermedia Design bietet ein Studium für Menschen mit unterschiedlichen inhaltlichen Orientierungen – seien diese designerischer, künstlerischer oder technologischer Art.

    Entscheidend ist ihre Offenheit und ihre Bereitschaft, als gestaltender Mensch Entwicklungsprozesse zu durchlaufen und am Design digitaler Medien mitwirken zu wollen.

    Aufgrund ganz unterschiedlicher Qualifikationsmöglichkeiten, gibt es zur Bewerbung auf das Studium Intermedia Design folgende alternative Möglichkeiten:

    Sie bewerben sich mit einem ausformulierten Konzept für ein Medienformat (Website, App, Film, Multimedia-Installation, Spiel usw.), das Sie gerne realisieren möchten – egal ob Sie über die dafür notwendigen Kompetenzen verfügen oder nicht. Die Idee zählt!


    Sie senden uns Arbeitsproben mit künstlerischen / designerischen Arbeiten (Zeichnungen, Fotografien, Filme, Soundexperimente, Webdesigns etc.), gerne auch Skizzen oder Ideenentwürfe. Was Sie ausgedruckt einreichen, fügen Sie bitte nicht nochmals in digitaler Kopie bei. Als digitale Datenträger bitte keine CD/DVDs einreichen.

    Zur Bewerbung gehört zusätzlich in jedem Fall ein kurzes Motivationsschreiben, in dem Sie ihre Person, ihre Interessen, ihre Zukunftsvisionen vorstellen sowie ihre persönlichen Wünsche formulieren, die Sie im Laufe des Studiums erfüllen möchten.

    Ihrer Bewerbung legen Sie bitte das vollständig ausgefüllte Bewerbungsformular bei, das auch die Postadresse enthält.

    Anschließend laden wir Sie zu einem persönlichen Bewerbungsgespräch ein, bei dem wir Sie näher kennen lernen möchten.

    Nach erfolgreichem Bewerbungsgespräch müssen Sie nur noch den Nachweis Ihrer Hochschulzugangsberechtigung und weitere Unterlagen einreichen.

    Es ist also gar nicht kompliziert!

    Записаться на поступление на программу обучения

    Intermedia Design