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Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF

Filmuniversität Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF (Filmuni)

Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany

The Filmuniversität was founded in October 1954 in Schloss Babelsberg with the signing of the "Regulation on the Formation of the German Academy of Film Art" by the then Prime Minister, Otto Grotewohl, and the Minister of Culture, Johannes R. Becher. The Soviet Union's Institute for Cinematography (VGIK) in Moscow and the Faculty of Film of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (FAMU) served as models. It was the first and, until 1966, the only university for artistic, administrative and scientific film professions in Germany.

The progressive digitization of the media has profound implications for the artistic content, the technical framework, the reception and the economic parameters of the film. This results in a variety of questions. It is not just a need to respond to and describe this change. From the outset, the university endeavored to make a decisive contribution to its development as a teaching, creative, production, research and experimental venue for audiovisual moving-picture media. "As a result of the development of the profile", the Brandenburg Ministry of Science, Research and Culture (MWFK) and the university have agreed that "the transformation and expansion into the first film university in Germany with an interdisciplinary artistic, technological and scientific education and research universal theme of film in its historical, current and future dimensions "on 8 July 2014 with an official ceremony. In the 60th year of its existence, the University of Film and Television becomes the Babelsberg Film University KONRAD WOLF.

We are storytellers. We tell stories through images, words and sounds, bodies and spaces, pixels and takes, budgets and technologies. We explore the history, esthetics, and future of audiovisual media. Our stories are motivated by the desire and challenge to move and inspire people and to make a difference.

We represent a wealth of different stories and artistic forms, genres and formats, specialization and exchange. Our interdisciplinary work is based on mutual respect. We work together to implement projects. In both theory and practice, we collaborate with people, companies, and institutions. We are active on a regional, national, and global level.

We are Germany’s first film university bringing scientific and artistic research together. We explore film as a narrative and technological medium, as an artistic and social practice, and as a phenomenon shaping education, entertainment, and our cultural heritage.

Our top priority is to deliver high-quality teaching and to support creative people in developing their own approach. We provide students with film craft skills as well as market and industry expertise while promoting artistic and scientific exchange. Offering Bachelor’s, Master’s, Meisterschüler, and PhD programs, we allow students to earn officially and internationally recognized degrees. As both media and media use change, we reflect upon and sustainably contribute to the process of change. Being aware of the history of Babelsberg as a media city, we advocate free and open societies. We unequivocally oppose discrimination and political extremism. We stand up or equality and support people in different family and living situations.

The Film University is a place representing and promoting the freedom of research, teaching, and artistic creation. Film is what unites us.

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