

Free University of Berlin

Undergraduate Summer Semester Winter Semester

Biochemistry has its roots in biology, chemistry and physics and draws strong impulses from medicine. She uses chemical and molecular biological methods to investigate the life processes in organisms, investigates the chemical and physicochemical processes in cells and analyzes their control and organization. The focus is on signal transduction, metabolism, protein functions including enzymology as well as molecular genetics and genetic engineering. Biochemical research results are of particular importance for molecular medicine, biotechnology and bioprocess engineering.

Biochemistry is well positioned with its working groups in research. Several research areas are supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Biochemistry cooperates with other universities, with non-university research institutions in Berlin and Brandenburg as well as with national and international institutions.

To facilitate the entry into the study of biochemistry, the Free University of Berlin offers free bridge courses in mathematics, which can be visited before the lecture period without prior notice.

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