Today, we are already finding Internet-enabled microchips in everyday objects, in automobiles or means of production - the digitization of society and economy is in full swing. The result is a digital parallel world in which not only people and machines exchange information with each other, but also machines among themselves. That's why we teach "Doing Business in a digital world" instead of just "Digital Business" – with a lot of business administration and the right dose of information technology.
Digital technologies are said to change the business world almost as quickly and sustainably as the meteorite impact about 66 million years ago, which led to the extinction of so many life forms on planet earth. And yes, Digital Darwinism has already claimed many prominent victims. Just like the dinosaurs in those days, large corporations such as Agfa and Kodak, Nokia, Neckermann or EMI have disappeared from the scene in recent years. But on the other hand, companies such as Apple and Samsung, Amazon or Soundcloud and Netflix, which have recognized and used the change for themselves, have blossomed.
Digitalization is unstoppable and will change business models, work processes and the way we live together at least as much as the invention of printing with moveable types.
Society and companies therefore urgently need women and men to support them in the digital transformation. The prosperity of all of us, but also the respect of ethical principles are at stake.
It is up to you to help shape this transformation - and we offer you the opportunity to prepare for it with our 7-semester international Bachelor's program in Business Administration/Digital Enterprise Management (B.Sc.).
No matter whether you see yourself as an entrepreneur, a consultant, a manager or a specialist: Learn in an international environment, how to link the most important study contents in the age of digitization in order to lead companies into the future in a visionary, responsible and successful way.
Contact us to find out how we can help you get into the best university in Germany and secure a promising career.
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