
Communication Management

Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences

Undergraduate Winter Semester

The success of a company, an association or another organization is closely linked to communication. That is why internal and external communication processes should not be left to chance. Whether a large company wants to communicate a merger process or a regional tourism association is looking for a new concept for successfully addressing target groups - the following always applies: communication is a management task - and management is a communication task.

Students in the Communication Management (B.A.) course acquire the necessary knowledge and the essential tools to control all processes of external and internal communication in organizations . In addition to the basics of PR conception, press and media work, journalism and business administration, there are insights into various fields of communication management (e.g. CEO communication, risk communication or employee communication), empirical communication research, communication psychology or current specializations in the professional field (e.g. litigation PR or communication in the political arena). Offers such as campus TV or campus radio, which are produced in our own studio, complete the program.

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