
Computational Mecha­nics of Mate­rials and Struc­tures (COMMAS)

University of Stuttgart

Graduate Winter Semester

COMMAS is about the development and implementation of numerical methods based on the principles of mechanics, mathematics and computer science. Students learn different practical and powerful approaches to model, understand and predict responses of complex materials and structures encountered almost all engineering disciplines.

The entire master's program can be studied in English and takes two years (four semesters) including a master thesis. COMMAS has been designed to be a very compact graduate program. It attracts also people who already have finished other studies to gain expertise in the promising field of Computational Mechanics of Materials and Structures.

The M.Sc. program COMMAS is about the development and implementation of numerical methods and simulation techniques to deal with advanced engineering problems. Students learn different practical and powerful approaches to model, understand, predict and validate responses of complex materials and structures encountered in almost all engineering disciplines. One of the unique characteristics of COMMAS is that it is an interdisciplinary program and have close cooperation with the faculties of Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering. The program has strong collaborations with local and international research centers as well as industrial partners.

The entire Master Program can be studied in English and takes two years (four semesters) including a master thesis. COMMAS has been designed to be a very compact graduate programme. It attracts also people who already have finished other studies to gain expertise in the promising field of Computational Mechanics of Materials and Structures.

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