
Media Studies

Regensburg University

Undergraduate Winter Semester

Media science is basic research (not applied research, not media practice). The question of the formal object "media" or "mediality" is leading to knowledge; The objects of investigation are - in essence - the material objects of media history from the transition orality / written form to first the long dominance of the print media (in word and image) and then the dissolution of their monopoly through differentiating competing media for text, image and sound (telegraphy, photography, gramophony , Cinematography etc.) up to the presence of the so-called new media (computers, digital television, multimedia etc.). In Regensburg, the subject is particularly dedicated to the question of the media of knowledge; At the intersection of formal-theoretical and material-historical media analysis, the history of media theory (in its interactions with technical equipment) plays an accentuating role.

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