Cost of education depends on study program you will choose. It could be free of charge study program or paid study program. There is also semester fee for public transportation and common university facilities (as library, lecture rooms, student union, etc.) - usually it is between 75 and 350 EUR per semester depend on university.
Запишитесь на консультацию с нашим специалистом и узнайте как именно вам стать студентом немецкого вуза и приехать жить и учиться в Германии любимому делу!
Zohid says:
how much does it cost to study in those universities in Germany?
ReplayИван says:
Cost of education depends on study program you will choose. It could be free of charge study program or paid study program. There is also semester fee for public transportation and common university facilities (as library, lecture rooms, student union, etc.) - usually it is between 75 and 350 EUR per semester depend on university.