
Media and Fine Art / diploma 1

Academy of Media Arts Cologne

Undergraduate Winter Semester

The Academy of Media Arts Cologne’s demanding project-based “Media and Fine Art” courses give each student the chance to choose between and individually combine various artistic emphases. “Media and Fine Art” at the KHM can be taken as a 9-semester (undergraduate / diploma I) or a 4-semester (postgraduate / diploma II) course. In both formats, the focus is on the development of artistic projects, supported through interdisciplinary supervision by professors, academic staff and technicians.

Student work takes place in the KHM’s ateliers, studios and labs, which are furnished with high-quality equipment, reflecting the diversity of the areas of teaching. The connection between artistic praxis and art and media theory discourses, film theory analysis as well aesthetic and philosophical questioning is an integral part of the courses, the teaching and the research.

The range of student projects is wide and interdisciplinary. Examples include animation, feature and documentary films, photographic art, video art, experimental films, websites, Internet art, games, sound art and electronic music, art in public space, installations, performances, light art, screenplays, hybrid designs, TV and Internet formats, live directing and camera works. Students realise up to four of their own projects. In addition they also develop work within the framework of seminars and tutorials, some of which are collective pieces.

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