Universities in Germany – List, Features, and Admissions

Choosing the Right University in Germany: List and What You Need to Know
University of Potsdam
Universität Potsdam (UP)

City: Potsdam, Region: Brandenburg

The University of Potsdam, the largest university in the state of Brandenburg, is oriented towards interdisciplinary research profiles in combination with several extramural research institutions in the natural sciences, human sciences, the humanities and the social sciences. Research and teaching mutually reinforce high quality and attractiveness. They form the foundation …

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University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd
Pädagogische Hochschule Schwäbisch Gmünd (PH Schwäbisch Gmünd)

City: Швебиш-Гмюнд, Region: Baden-Württemberg

The University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd is a dynamic university with an especially long tradition in teacher training, namely since 1825. Formerly a teacher's seminar, it now has university status with a broad range of courses, comprehensive research in many scientific projects with dissertations and post graduate work, as well …

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Europa-Universität Flensburg
Europa-Universität Flensburg

City: Flensburg, Region: Schleswig-Holstein

As the northernmost university in Germany, Europa-Universität Flensburg is a young university, having previously been called the "College of Education" (1946-1994) and with 5,000 students and 400 employees it is still one of the smaller universities in Germany. Its green campus on the Flensburg fjord, is located in direct …

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Kühne Logistics University
Kühne Logistics University (Hamburg) (KLU)
University of Applied Science

City: Hamburg, Region: Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg

Kühne Logistics University - Wissenschaftliche Hochschule für Logistik und Unternehmensführung (KLU) is a private, state-accredited university located on Hamburg’s harbor. Sponsored by the nonprofit Kühne Stiftung (Kühne Foundation), KLU offers a broad spectrum of courses and research in logistics and supply chain and business management.

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Hochschule Kaiserslautern
Hochschule Kaiserslautern (HSKL)
University of Applied Science

City: Kaiserslautern, Region: Rhineland-Palatinate

The Hochschule Kaiserslautern sees itself as a modern university for applied sciences and design. Around 6,300 students from more than 80 countries and some 150 professors study, teach, and research in five faculties at the Kaiserslautern, Pirmasens, and Zweibrücken campuses. In 1996, the Hochschule emerged from a department of the …

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Philipps-Universität Marburg
Philipps-Universität Marburg (Uni-Marburg)

City: Marburg, Region: Hesse

As the most tradition-rich university in Hesse, the Philipps-Universität unites groundbreaking research with exemplary support for young scholars and researchers, with an attractive academic offering in a charming setting with a medieval historical city center. The scholarly focus of the Philipps-Universität – with 12 Leibniz Prize winners, one of Hesse’s …

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Heidelberg University
Heidelberg University (Uni Heidelberg)

City: Heidelberg, Region: Baden-Württemberg

With a long tradition of shaping the future, Heidelberg University sees itself as an internationally oriented research and teaching institution that offers a rich range of subjects and disciplines. It acknowledges its responsibility to humanity, society, and nature and is committed to broadening and harnessing its knowledge and skills, in …

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Technische Hochschule Köln
Technische Hochschule Köln (TH Köln)
University of Applied Science

City: Cologne, Region: North Rhine-Westphalia

Technische Hochschule Köln – abbreviated as TH Köln – University of Applied Sciences – sees itself as University of Technology, Arts, Sciences. With its disciplinary and cultural diversity and openness, TH Köln’s activities are aimed on cultural and technological breakthroughs of high societal relevance; TH Köln contributes substantially to resolving …

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Berlin International University of Applied Sciences
Berlin International University of Applied Sciences (BI)
University of Applied Science

City: Berlin, Region: Berlin

Berlin International University of Applied Sciences was founded as part of a growing global network of universities, university branches and academic centers, which offers our students an international study experience and ideal preparation for careers in the globalized world of work. Berlin International is a non-profit organization founded to enrich …

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Europäische Fachhochschule (Brühl)
Europäische Fachhochschule (Brühl)
University of Applied Science

City: Брюль, Region: North Rhine-Westphalia

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Университет Прикладных Наук Медиа, Коммуникаций и Экономики (HMKW)
Hochschule für Medien, Kommunikation und Wirtschaft (HMKW)
University of Applied Science

City: Berlin, Region: Berlin

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Берлинский Протестантский Берлинский (EHSB)
Evangelische Hochschule Berlin (EHSB)
University of Applied Science

City: Berlin, Region: Berlin

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ESMOD Международный Художественный Университет Моды (IKHM)
ESMOD Internationale Kunsthochschule für Mode (IKHM)

City: Berlin, Region: Berlin

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ESMT Европейская Школа Менеджмента и Технологий
ESMT European School of Management and Technology (ESMT)

City: Berlin, Region: Berlin

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ESCP Берлинский Европейский Бизнес-Университет
ESCP Europe Wirtschaftshochschule Berlin

City: Berlin, Region: Berlin

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Hochschule für Öffentliche Verwaltung Bremen
Hochschule für Öffentliche Verwaltung Bremen
University of Applied Science

City: Bremen, Region: Free Hanseatic City of Bremen

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Якобс Университет Бремена
Jacobs University Bremen

City: Bremen, Region: Free Hanseatic City of Bremen

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Hochschule für internationale Wirtschaft und Logistik (Bremen)
Hochschule für internationale Wirtschaft und Logistik (Bremen)
University of Applied Science

City: Bremen, Region: Free Hanseatic City of Bremen

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Hochschule für Künste Bremen
Hochschule für Künste Bremen
University of Applied Science

City: Bremen, Region: Free Hanseatic City of Bremen

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Аланус Университет Искусства и Социальных Наук
Alanus Hochschule für Kunst und Gesellschaft (AHKG) (Alfter) (AHKG)

City: Альфтер, Region: North Rhine-Westphalia

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Universities in Germany – List of Institutions, Features of Education, and Admission Process

Studying in Germany is an excellent opportunity to receive a high-quality education at one of its prestigious universities and earn a degree that is highly valued in various countries. Many graduates of German universities become leading engineers, architects, doctors, lawyers, and economists worldwide. The education system in this country is based on a balance of theoretical and practical learning, allowing students to acquire both knowledge and the real skills necessary for their professional careers.

Studying at German universities includes internships at major companies such as Mercedes, BMW, Bosch, Siemens, and others. For young people, this is a great opportunity to gain an insider’s understanding of working in large corporations and to establish themselves as responsible professionals, which will help them secure prestigious jobs in the future. Graduates of the top German universities receive invitations from major corporations, and the connections made during their student years often aid in career advancement.

Higher Education Systems in Germany

In Germany, universities are divided into two main categories: traditional universities and technical institutions. The first group primarily offers programs that prepare specialists in the humanities, such as lawyers, managers, experts in international relations, and others. The second group focuses on engineers, architects, and specialists in high technology.

Of course, many universities have developed programs that train highly specialized professionals in specific fields. For example, at one of the largest and most prestigious educational institutions, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, not only are the law and economics faculties popular, but also the natural sciences departments, which annually admit Russian-speaking students.

Universities are also categorized based on their approach to developing educational programs. Traditional universities (Universitäten) place significant emphasis on scientific research and acquiring fundamental knowledge, while higher schools (Hochschulen) have a more practical focus.

Another classification of German universities is based on their funding: public universities in Germany and private institutions. Most universities belong to the former group and are state-funded, allowing students to study free of charge. Examples include leading German universities like Heidelberg University, Technical University of Munich, University of Göttingen, and others.

In private universities, the cost of education ranges from 5,000 euros per year. However, it is believed that the quality of education in these institutions can be higher due to an individualized approach to students, small class sizes, and the practical orientation of programs.

Most Popular German Universities for International Students

  • Technical University of Munich (TUM) – One of the popular universities for Russian-speaking students, offering programs for engineers and specialists in the natural sciences. It is considered one of the leading educational institutions in terms of academic influence and scientific development according to many rankings.
  • Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich – A large metropolitan university that prepares specialists in law, medicine, economics, management, and other fields. It traditionally ranks at the top in various rankings and attracts international students with its well-developed system of grants and scholarships.
  • University of Göttingen – A strong educational institution in training specialists in biology and psychology. It is one of the leading German universities in scientific research – 45 Nobel laureates have graduated from its halls.
  • Heidelberg University – One of the oldest educational institutions in Germany, founded in the 14th century. Its strongest study areas are physics, medicine, and German studies.

Admission Process to German Universities for International Students

To become a student at a university in Germany, you need to:

  • Provide a set of documents, including your diploma, student visa, application for admission, and several others.
  • Prove your proficiency in German or English.
  • Demonstrate financial stability.

Preparing documents is a rather complex task, the solution of which is best entrusted to specialists, as any inaccuracy automatically eliminates the chances of admission. Overall, the process is successful in most cases, as evidenced by over 30,000 Russian-speaking students.