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RheinMain University of Applied Sciences

Hochschule RheinMain (Wiesbaden und Rüsselsheim) (HS-RM)

Wiesbaden, Hesse, Germany

Two locations in the Rhine-Main area offering over 70 bachelor’s and master’s degree programs – this is what defines the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences. More than 13,700 students study in the Faculties of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Design – Computer Science – Media, Applied Social Sciences and Wiesbaden Business School in Wiesbaden, as well as the Faculty of Engineering in Rüsselsheim.

As a university of applied sciences, the university places particular emphasis on offering practice-driven education. This goal is achieved by providing campus laboratories, adjunct instructors from industry, practical projects and internship semesters in Germany and abroad, as well as cooperative, part-time and distance learning degree programs.

Focusing on students

Students are at the center of everything we do. The RheinMain University of Applied Sciences is a welcoming university that ensures degree programs are widely accessible and takes personal educational backgrounds into account. As a partner university for elite sport, the RheinMain University of Applied Sciences aids elite sportsmen and women in reconciling studying with their sports career, and as a family-oriented institution we also promote a healthy work-life balance for managing studying, professional life and family commitments.

Research activities and doctoral programs

The RheinMain University of Applied Science is recognized for its professionally oriented teaching and applied research. This is demonstrated in particular by three research focal areas that enhance the university’s profile on the topics of: Engineering 4.0, Smart systems for man and technology and Professionalism in social work. The university’s research activities are anchored primarily in two doctoral programs that run with the Goethe University Frankfurt. Plans are underway to set up a joint center for doctoral programs in the area of social work in cooperation with the Frankfurt and Fulda Universities of Applied Sciences. This is unique to Hesse, as the first federal state to allow universities of applied sciences to offer doctoral programs.

An international atmosphere

RheinMain University of Applied Sciences is a cosmopolitan university with numerous international partners and partner universities on every continent, including 80 European partner universities. The Hesse state program offers scholarships for periods of study spent in Australia and the USA. Degree programs with dual qualifications can also be gained, for instance at universities in Thailand, Chile and Switzerland. The RheinMain University of Applied Sciences is pleased to welcome international students and guest lecturers, and thus facilitates intercultural activities here in Germany.

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