The university is located in Hennef, Rheinbach and Sankt Augustin. In Bonn, the University of Applied Sciences runs the B-IT (Bonn-Aachen International Center for Information Technology) jointly with Bonn University and Aachen Technical University (RWTH). The University Development Plan (Hochschulentwicklungsplan, HEP) contains the strategic objectives that the University intends to achieve as well as the concrete measures taken to reach these goals - the main motive being sustainability.

Studying at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences

At Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg you can currently choose from 36 practically-oriented study programmes on the basis of the latest research findings (20 Bachelors and 16 Master programmes).

The University's professors have professional experience of both business and academia. Our excellent infrastructure and our well-equipped laboratories are just as integral to our offer as our numerous PC workstations, our university-wide W-LAN, our modern University and District Library and our active campus life.


After the reunification of East and West Germany in 1990, Berlin was chosen as capital of the new, united Germany. In 1994 an agreement was reached to compensate Bonn in various ways for this loss of status and income. As an integral part of this agreement, the H-BRS was founded on the joint initiative of the federal parliament of Germany and the federal government of Germany, the parliament of the German federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the federal state government of North Rhine-Westphalia - this is unique in the history of Germany.

The University is specifically aimed at providing new academic tuition and research capacities and at making a contribution to the structural advancement of the economic area through practical projects and co-operation with business and industry. In summer 1999, the first 26 graduates obtained their German "Diplom". As early as in 2002, the University reached its original goal of 2,500 students and thus had to be expanded. The University, as it now stands, is not specifically subsidised by the German federal government any longer; it provides excellent tuition, study and research conditions on a largely autonomous basis.

From the University into the world

With a view to the changing requirements of the job market, H-BRS sustainably supports periods of study abroad. Summer Schools are already suitable for students during their early semesters (Grundstudium); they are mainly subsidised by theUniversity's Fund-Raising Association (Fördergesellschaft).

It is compulsory to study at least one foreign language. The Language Centre, which is an integral part of the University, offers approximately 25 languages, with a focus on technical language.

The University cooperates with approximately 80 foreign universities in about 40 countries. In the winter semester 2018/19, the proportion of international students enrolled at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg is roughly 16 percent.

Specialists for business and industry

We attach a lot of importance to training highly qualified specialists and executive staff for the national and international job market. In addition, we make our students familiar with company foundation as an alternative to employment by providing them with the necessary information and infrastructure at an early stage of their studies.

The Alumni Network links alumni and current students within a continuously growing network so as to enable them to jointly and actively shape their future.

Family-Friendly University

We help students and employees to reconcile their study, academia and family commitments by offering family-friendly measures to students and employees alike. The number of female professors and research associates working for the H-BRS is above average; our manifold measures are also aimed at making the study of technical subjects more attractive to female pupils.

H-BRS - simply excellent!

A number of excellent rankings and achievement awards, above all the feedback received from satisfied students and alumni, prove that the University is already one of the top universities in many respects.


H-BRS has an excellent technical infrastructure, well-equipped laboratories and computer hubs with network access.

State-of-the-art media are available to borrow from our University and District Libraries in Sankt Augustin, Rheinbach and Hennef, including by guest users. General and technical language courses are on the programme at the university's own Language Centre. CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) takes place in language laboratories on both sites.

Laboratories and Studios

The university premises in Sankt Augustin and Rheinbach are quite new, being built between 1997 and 1999. Since 1999 they have been extended and developed, as a result of which the laboratories and studios are modern and equipped with the latest technology. Learning at the university is hands-on and in a technical environment that meets the latest standards.

Computer Hubs

Students at the university are given their own e-mail address by the university, can check their examination results online and have constant access to the computer hubs and project rooms where they can work even outside of the regular opening hours.