Computational Mathematics can be studied at the University of Würzburg as an individual Bachelor subject. The degree qualifies for a Master’s degree in Computational Mathematics or for a Master’s degree in Mathematics.
Mathematics is man's answer to the complexity of nature. Through them we experience beauty, harmony and grace. Through them we can better understand many things in the world and make well-founded predictions for the future. We do not realize how much our everyday life is riddled with math. Math is in cell phones, cars, CDs, ...
Mathematics does not convey views that need to be interpreted. It is based on objective facts and logical conclusions. In the course of the course, a feeling for the essentials is developed. This goes hand in hand with the development of the ability to apply mathematical methods and structured thinking to complex problems.
Mathematics can be roughly subdivided into pure and applied mathematics, with the core competencies just listed playing an equally important role in all sub-areas of mathematics.
The areas of applied mathematics usually have direct contact with other scientific disciplines: Numerical mathematics and optimization, for example, are widely used in engineering. Methods of mathematical statistics are indispensable in medical research or in finance.
The areas of algebra and number theory, analysis and function theory and geometry are usually counted as pure mathematics. However, the demarcation to applied mathematics does not mean for the departments just mentioned that their contents cannot also be highly relevant for the “real world”. It often turns out that parts of the abstract theories developed later (sometimes hundreds of years later) find surprising applications. Geometric considerations on the sphere play an important role in determining the most time- and fuel-efficient route for intercontinental flights. The results of number theory are the basic requirement for modern cryptography (which in turn makes secure Internet connections possible in the first place, for example).
The consecutive Bachelor-Master degree course in Computational Mathematics combines, in contrast to other degree programs in mathematics, a mathematics education oriented towards natural and engineering sciences with a suitable application orientation. In addition to the mathematical core competencies already mentioned, the graduates are provided with a corresponding specialist qualification, which at the same time gives an insight into the world of thought and problems in engineering and natural sciences.
With their training, graduates acquire core competency in the development and application of mathematical methods that is well above the mathematical competency of graduates in engineering or natural science courses. At the same time, you have an insight into the world of thought and problems in engineering and natural sciences. On this basis, they become sought-after members of work teams in these areas and can contribute their core mathematical skills in an excellent way.
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