Today companies are more and more public. Professional public relations or public relations (PR) is therefore important, regardless of whether it is for a global corporation, a medium-sized company or a non-profit organization. The goals of PR are to create and maintain trust, credibility and a positive image or reputation of an organization.
PR professionals need to understand how organizations, the media, social networks and the public are related. How do journalists or bloggers choose their topics? Why are certain communication campaigns more successful than others? When is it worthwhile to communicate with social media? How can content be prepared in a cross-media manner? To understand this, PR experts need a sound knowledge of subjects such as communication science, sociology and psychology as well as journalism, economics and management. Because if you don't understand how media work and are used, it will be difficult to convey the content.
Spokespersons and communication managers decide through their work how an organization is perceived by the public. You plan communication campaigns, write press releases, use social media channels or organize events. This is how they “translate” the goals of their organization for journalists, politicians or citizens. PR experts are not just content brokers, they are increasingly becoming advisors to top management on strategic issues. That is why it is important to us that our graduates master both: the craft of communication but also strategic thinking.
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