Explore Our Top Undergraduate and Graduate Study Fields in Germany

A curated list of top Bachelor’s and Master’s study fields in Germany, including key features and admission details.
Rechtswissenschaft (grundständig außer Erste jur. Prüfung)

The undergraduate degree in law provides basic scientific knowledge in civil law, private law, administrative law and public law and leads to a first university degree that qualifies you for …

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Personalmanagement, -dienstleistung (weiterführend)

Das weiterführende Studienfach Personalmanagement, -dienstleistung vertieft die im grundständigen Studienfach und ggf. während einer Berufstätigkeit erworbenen Kenntnisse. In der Regel spezialisiert man sich auf einen Themenbereich, z.B. Personalentwicklung.

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Rechtswissenschaft (Erste juristische Prüfung)

The undergraduate degree course in Jurisprudence provides basic scientific knowledge in civil law, criminal law and public law as well as in legal history and legal philosophy. The course leads …

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Verwaltungsmanagement, Public Management (grundständig)

Das grundständige Studienfach Verwaltungsmanagement, Public Management vermittelt wissenschaftliches Grundlagenwissen in Öffentlicher Verwaltung, Betriebswirtschaft, Recht und Sozialwissenschaften und führt zu einem ersten berufsqualifizierenden Hochschulabschluss.
Verwaltungsmanagement, Public Management …

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Gesundheitswissenschaft, Public Health (grundständig)

Das grundständige Studienfach Gesundheitswissenschaft, Public Health vermittelt wissenschaftliches und praktisches Grundlagenwissen in medizinischen und gesundheitswissenschaftlichen Themenbereichen sowie fachbezogene Inhalte der Sozialwissenschaften, Psychologie oder Ökonomie und führt zu einem ersten berufsqualifizierenden …

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Chemieingenieurwesen (grundständig)

The undergraduate degree in chemical engineering provides scientific and practical basic knowledge in chemistry, mathematics, process engineering, chemical engineering and materials engineering and leads to a first professional university degree.

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The undergraduate course in business psychology conveys basic scientific knowledge, e.g. in development, social, work, market and advertising psychology and leads to a first professional university degree.

Business psychology …

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Werbung, Marketingkommunikation (weiterführend)

Das weiterführende Studienfach Werbung, Marketingkommunikation vertieft die im grundständigen Studienfach und ggf. während einer Berufstätigkeit erworbenen Kenntnisse. In der Regel spezialisiert man sich auf einen Themenbereich, z.B. Markenmanagement.

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Public Relations, Kommunikationsmanagement (weiterführend)

The advanced degree course in public relations and communication management deepens the knowledge acquired in the basic degree course and, if applicable, during employment. As a rule, you specialize in …

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Meeresbiologie (weiterführend)

The advanced degree course in marine biology deepens the knowledge acquired in an undergraduate degree course and, if applicable, during employment. Students usually specialize in a subject area such as …

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Öffentliches Recht (grundständig)

The undergraduate degree course in Public Law provides basic scientific knowledge in legal areas of national and international law, e.g. constitutional or European law and specific topics from it, such …

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Public Relations, Kommunikationsmanagement (grundständig)

Das grundständige Studienfach Public Relations, Kommunikationsmanagement vermittelt wissenschaftliches und praktisches Grundlagenwissen in Marketing, Kommunikation, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Journalismus und Betriebswirtschaft und führt zu einem ersten berufsqualifizierenden Hochschulabschluss.
Public …

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Luft-, Raumfahrttechnik (grundständig)

Das grundständige Studienfach Luft-, Raumfahrttechnik vermittelt wissenschaftliches und praktisches Grundlagenwissen in Maschinenbau, Flugzeugbau, Raumfahrttechnik, Triebwerktechnik und Flugbetriebstechnik und führt zu einem ersten berufsqualifizierenden Hochschulabschluss. Luft-, Raumfahrttechnik kann man auch im …

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Das grundständige Studienfach Physikingenieurwesen vermittelt wissenschaftliches Grundlagenwissen in Physik, Mathematik und Technik und führt zu einem ersten berufsqualifizierenden Hochschulabschluss.
Physikingenieurwesen kann man auch im Rahmen von dualen Studiengängen

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Allg. und vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft (grundständig)

The undergraduate degree course in General and Comparative Linguistics provides basic scientific knowledge in linguistic areas such as phonetics and phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics and leads to a first …

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Politikwissenschaft (weiterführend)

The advanced degree course in political science deepens the knowledge acquired in the undergraduate degree course and, if applicable, during employment. Students usually specialize in one subject area, e.g. empirical …

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Wirtschaftswissenschaften (weiterführend)

The advanced study course in economics deepens the knowledge acquired in the basic course and, if applicable, during employment. Students usually specialize in a subject area, e.g. economics, business analytics …

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Gesundheitsmanagement, -ökonomie (grundständig)

Das grundständige Studienfach Gesundheitsmanagement, -ökonomie vermittelt wissenschaftliches und praktisches Grundlagenwissen in Wirtschaftswissenschaften, Gesundheitswissenschaft und Medizinmanagement und führt zu einem ersten berufsqualifizierenden Hochschulabschluss. Gesundheitsmanagement, -ökonomie kann man auch im Rahmen von …

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The undergraduate course in cartography conveys scientific and practical basic knowledge for the acquisition and processing of geodata and their visualization using cartographic methods and tools and leads to a …

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Sozialwissenschaften (grundständig)

The undergraduate course in social sciences provides basic scientific knowledge in sociology, political science and demography and leads to a first university degree that qualifies you for a career.

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Why Choose StudyInFocus for Your Education in Germany

StudyInFocus offers comprehensive support to help you select and apply to the best Bachelor’s and Master’s programs in Germany. Our expertise ensures a smooth application process and successful admission to your desired study field.

Admission Requirements

  • Proof of secondary education equivalent to the German Abitur for Bachelor’s programs.
  • Proof of undergraduate degree for Master’s programs.
  • Proficiency in the language of instruction (usually English or German).
  • Completed application forms and necessary documentation.
  • Additional requirements such as entrance exams or interviews may apply.

Unique Features of Our Programs

  • Internationally recognized degrees
  • Experienced faculty with industry connections
  • Access to cutting-edge research and facilities
  • Opportunities for internships and practical experience

Benefits of Studying in Germany

  • High-Quality Education: Germany is renowned for its excellent higher education system.
  • Affordable Tuition: Many programs offer low or no tuition fees for international students.
  • Vibrant Culture: Experience a rich cultural heritage and diverse environment.
  • Career Opportunities: Strong job market with numerous opportunities for graduates.

How StudyInFocus Can Assist You

StudyInFocus provides end-to-end support for your application to Bachelor’s and Master’s programs in Germany. From selecting the right study field to preparing your application documents and securing a visa, our experts are here to ensure your academic journey is successful.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the main admission requirements for Bachelor’s programs?

Applicants need to have a secondary education equivalent to the German Abitur, proficiency in the language of instruction, and meet any additional requirements set by the specific program.

2. Do Master’s programs require work experience?

Some Master’s programs may require relevant work experience, while others may not. It depends on the specific course and university.

3. Can I work while studying in Germany?

Yes, international students are allowed to work part-time during their studies, subject to certain restrictions and regulations.