Программа обучения "Mathematical Economics" в University of Kaiserslautern
University of Kaiserslautern
Business Mathematics, Economics, Mathematics
0 € / Семестр
The six-semester course is an interdisciplinary mathematics course that integrates relevant courses in economics and computer science. The basis of the course is a sound basic education in (applied) mathematics. Solid knowledge of mathematical modeling and its practical implementation is imparted. When designing this course, the Department of Mathematics took into account the modern understanding of mathematics as a basic science and as a key technology.
Общая Информация по Программе обучения "Mathematical Economics"
- Уровень: Бакалавриат
- Диплом: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
- Язык обучения: НемецкийАнглийский
Начало обучения:
Зимний семестр
Летний семестр - Срок обучения: 6 семестров
- Форма обучения: Полная
- Учебные кредиты: 180 ECTS
- Стоимость: € 0 / Семестр
- Семестровый взнос: € 245.23 / семестр
- Правила приема: Без конкурса
- Минимальный уровень немецкого: C1
Ожидаемые результаты программы обучения "Mathematical Economics"
The bachelor's degree in Business Mathematics is part of the bachelor's/master's degree program in the Department of Mathematics, which takes into account the modern understanding of mathematics as a basic science and as a key technology. The aim of the course, which has been interdisciplinary from the start, is a well-founded basic education in (applied) mathematics as well as solid knowledge of mathematical modeling and its practical implementation (computer-aided methods). In addition, the necessary skills are imparted in order to be able to work on complex problems from the field of "economy" with scientific methods in interdisciplinary cooperation. The interlocking with the (mathematics-related disciplines within) economics is a central concern. A scientific deepening takes place in a sub-area of business mathematics. The training is intended to prepare for a wide range of professional practice with heterogeneous requirements as well as for a subsequent master’s degree.
In addition to the technical and content-related skills, analytical thinking (“analyzing problems”) and the ability to abstract (“recognize structures”) are trained in the field of mathematics. Added to this are creativity (“translating ideas into solutions and processes”) and other key qualifications (ability to work in a team, presentation skills, mediation skills, communication skills).
Учебный план программы обучения "Mathematical Economics"
The training prepares you for professional practice in many attractive fields with heterogeneous requirements and for a subsequent master’s degree.
In the first year of study, the program mainly consists of compulsory courses that lay the mathematical foundations in analysis and linear algebra. Introductory courses in (object-oriented) programming and in business administration/economics form the basis for further courses in computer science and economics.
Building on the courses in the first year of study, introductory courses in various areas of mathematics and business mathematics are to be taken in the second year of study. Through the insight into the areas of mathematical optimization and stochastics, the students are also prepared for the choice of their narrower area of specialization in the third year of study. With the introductory seminar "Modeling in Business Mathematics" (with an integrated project), which is placed at the transition from the first to the second year of study, the students learn at an early stage to work out solutions for application problems from industry and business in teamwork. This prepares for the projects in the practical course in business mathematics in the third year of study, which are also to be worked on in groups. The bachelor thesis (2 months) can, but does not have to, be closely related to the internship.
The exams take place during the semester break ("semester break") and, apart from the exams in computer science and economics, are usually taken as oral exams. In the "Fundamentals of Mathematics" module at the beginning of the course, additional exams must be taken.
The course offers several options and flexibility in design. You will receive detailed information at the beginning of your studies and at regular information events of the department on the individual study phases. In addition, numerous advisory services are available to students (e.g. mentoring system).
Department of Mathematics
University of KaiserslauternThe Department of Mathematics is one of the founding departments and plays a central role in TUK. We offer a solid, technology-oriented and modern mathematics education - in mathematics, science, engineering and teacher training programmes. Short ways and many interdisciplinary cooperations are the basis for innovative approaches in research and teaching.
Полезные ссылки по программе обучения "Mathematical Economics"
- Сайт программы: https://www.uni-kl.de/studiengang/22878/Wirtschaftsmathematik_Bachelor_of_Science
- Брошюра / инфо-материалы: https://www.mathematik.uni-kl.de/studium/studiengaenge/bachelor-wirtschaftsmathematik
- Учебный план / модули: https://www.uni-kl.de/fileadmin/ha-4/42-Pruefung/Pruefungsordnungen/Bachelor/Bachelor-PO_Wirtschaftsmathematik.pdf<br />https://modhb.uni-kl.de/mhb/FB-MAT/cos-516/<br />https://www.mathematik.uni-kl.de/fileadmin/fb/studium/documents/Studienanleitung_Bachelor_Wirtschaftsmathematik.pdf<br />https://www.mathematik.uni-kl.de/fileadmin/fb/studium/documents/Studienplan_Bachelor_Wirtschaftsmathematik.pdf<br />https://www.mathematik.uni-kl.de/fileadmin/fb/studium/documents/Studienverlaufsplan_Bachelor_Wirtschaftsmathematik.pdf<br />https://www.mathematik.uni-kl.de/fileadmin/fb/studium/documents/Merkblatt_Bachelor_Wirtschaftsmathematik.pdf<br />https://www.mathematik.uni-kl.de/fileadmin/fb/studium/documents/Fachpraktikum_Leitfaden_Studierende.pdf
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Mathematical Economics