All Professions

Original title:
Activity After Study
2000-3204 € per month

Хореографы разрабатывают, перерабатывают, редактируют и направляют танцевальные постановки для балета и современных танцевальных представлений, опер, оперетт, мюзиклов и фильмов.

Original title:
Ingenieur/in - Schiffbau und Meerestechnik
Activity After Study
4604-5819 € per month

Инженеры по судостроению и морской технике проектируют и строят речные и морские суда всех типов, другие плавсредства и стационарные морские сооружения. Они планируют и контролируют процессы производства и сборки новых продуктов, а также работы по переоборудованию, капитальному ремонту или ремонту.

Original title:
Facharzt/-ärztin - Neurochirurgie
6196-7958 € per month

Врачи-нейрохирурги занимаются диагностикой и лечением заболеваний, травм и пороков развития центральной нервной системы и ее оболочек, а также периферической и вегетативной нервной системы.

Original title:
Occupational Deployment
4923-6606 € per month

Бренд-менеджеры разрабатывают стратегии построения, позиционирования и поддержания бренда.


List of professions for high-paid jobs in Germany

The list of popular professions for higher education in Germany in accordance with the official directory of the Employment Service of Germany will help you find the most suitable profession for applying to a German university. Find an interesting profession in the list of professions and decide on a profession for obtaining higher education in Germany. With a diploma of a German university on one of the professions from this catalog of professions, you can get a promising high-paying job for one of the interesting job vacancies in Germany or become an extremely popular specialist at home.

The presented list of professions after the university includes, first of all, a list of professions taught in the university. However, you can also find a profession for additional education or additional specialization after graduating. Most of the professions in this list of professions will suit both girls and young people. Choose an interesting profession is important after the 9th grade - so you can better prepare and successfully enter a German university on the most interesting for you profession. Of course, the choice of a suitable profession from the list after grade 11 is even more important - you already need to enter the university, and there is almost no time left to think about and choose a profession.

We hope that the presented list of professions will help you in a timely manner to determine the most promising profession and successfully obtain the necessary education.