Specialty: Business Administration

Список статей и материалов по поступлению в немецкий вуз, Specialty: Business Administration

Specialty: Business Administration

Personalmanagement, -dienstleistung (weiterführend)

Personalmanagement, -dienstleistung (weiterführend)

Marketing Communications Manager

Marketing Communications Manager

Tätigkeit nach Studium Бизнес-администрирование (Hochschule) – реклама, маркетингкоммуник.

Human resources manager

Human resources manager

Tätigkeit nach Studium

Faculty of Economics and Health

Faculty of Economics and Health

Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences (WiSo)

Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences (WiSo)

Faculty of Business and Health

Faculty of Business and Health

Faculty of Economics

Faculty of Economics

Harz University of Applied Sciences

Harz University of Applied Sciences

Meet an innovative university with state-of-the-art, market-aligned degree programmes, dedicated teaching staff in step with actual practice, helpful

TH Mittelhessen University of Applied Sciences

TH Mittelhessen University of Applied Sciences

Motivation, quality, agility and diversity are the keys to our future. At the same time, people are at the center of our actions. Respect and apprecia

Law and Economics Faculty

Law and Economics Faculty

Business Administration

Business Administration

Faculty of Business Administration and Industrial Engineering

Faculty of Business Administration and Industrial Engineering

Faculty of Economics and Management Science

Faculty of Economics and Management Science

University of Cologne

University of Cologne

The University of Cologne promotes pluralism, a variety of perspectives, and equal opportunities. We strive to create a framework that allows people o

University of Applied Sciences Worms

University of Applied Sciences Worms

Good reasons for studying at the Hochschule Worms Outstanding counselling, consistent nexus of the range of studies to practice, a large number of par

Paderborn University

Paderborn University

Our mission includes a strong international and cultural presence, since the information society is decidedly global and should not remain a purely in

University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf

University of Applied Sciences Düsseldorf

The educational and research emphasis at HSD has a strong practical and interdisciplinary approach. The university guarantees that course contents are

Free University of Berlin

Free University of Berlin

The University in a Changing Era The years 1968, 1990, and 2007 mark turning points in the history of Freie Universität. The university was one of the

Friedrich–Alexander University Erlangen–Nürnberg

Friedrich–Alexander University Erlangen–Nürnberg

Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) was founded on November 4th, 1743. While retaining a strong sense of tradition, the University

Hamburg University

Hamburg University

Sustainable science and scholarship Universität Hamburg is committed to sustainability and all of our faculties have taken great strides towards susta
